<aside> 💡 NOTE: Although some of the images below may show 'Chalk & Wire', the software has been renamed to Anthology Portfolio. The interface layout, however, is the same.


Step 1: Login to Anthology Portfolio

Each assessor and teacher candidate should receive an email with your login information to access the Judith Herb College of Education instance of Anthology.

Once you have been provided with your Anthology User ID and Password, go to the Anthology login page: https://utoledo.chalkandwire.com/Login.aspx

<aside> 💡 NOTE: If you have not yet received or have misplaced your Anthology User ID and Password, please get in touch with your local Anthology Administrator at [email protected] to inquire about receiving your account information.



  1. Enter the Login Name or Email and Password you received in the Anthology login email.
  2. Click Login.
  3. Alternatively, you can now log in with your UToledo credentials.
  4. Guest users can receive a new invitation by clicking the Retrieve Lost Invitation link.

Note: If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot your Password? link or contact the Anthology Administrators at [email protected]

Step 2: Change your Anthology password

  1. Click on your name in the top-right corner of the screen.

  2. Select Change Password.

  3. Type in the Anthology password received in the Old Password field.

  4. Type in a new password in the New Password field and Re-type Password field.

  5. Click Submit.

Step 3: Navigating Anthology