As part of the professional education program, JHCOE students must use Watermark Student Learning and Licensure for three essential purposes: accessing field placements and assessments, uploading teaching portfolios, and tracking academic progress.
Watermark Support
Technical support can be found in multiple ways.
- The primary support channel is the Carver Center Help Desk. We can be reached in Gillham Hall 3000, by phone at 419.530.2454, or via email at [email protected].
- Contact the Watermark support team by clicking on the link below:
[Watermark Help Center](*1keljeg*_gcl_au*MTg5ODcwNjk0Ni4xNzE5NDEyMTU0*_ga*MTA2NzAwODcwLjE3MTk0MTIxNTU.*_ga_M0QHQBR3DB*MTcxOTQ5OTM2MC4yLjEuMTcxOTUwMDQ3OS4wLjAuMA..)
- Below are answers to common questions about Watermark products and services, including account management, step-by-step guides, student FAQs, and more.
Watermark Guides