
As part of the professional education program, JHCOE students must use Watermark Student Learning and Licensure for three essential purposes: accessing field placements and assessments, uploading teaching portfolios, and tracking academic progress.

Watermark Support

Technical support can be found in multiple ways.

  1. The primary support channel is the Carver Center Help Desk. We can be reached in Gillham Hall 3000, by phone at 419.530.2454, or via email at [email protected].
  2. Contact the Watermark support team by clicking on the link below:

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[Watermark Help Center](*1keljeg*_gcl_au*MTg5ODcwNjk0Ni4xNzE5NDEyMTU0*_ga*MTA2NzAwODcwLjE3MTk0MTIxNTU.*_ga_M0QHQBR3DB*MTcxOTQ5OTM2MC4yLjEuMTcxOTUwMDQ3OS4wLjAuMA..)


  1. Below are answers to common questions about Watermark products and services, including account management, step-by-step guides, student FAQs, and more.

Watermark Guides